Questioning Why. Explaining How. Providing Quality Fertility Solutions.

Truth grows best.

Fertility isn’t a product. It’s a program.

You need more than silver-bullet products and empty promises. You need fertile, productive soil and a dependable way to maximize the probability of high yields.

Our fertility programs solve problems for farmers across America, for every type of crop, and for every kind of soil and growing condition.

But in the end, all that matters is what works for you. That’s why we work with you to develop a total fertility program customized to YOUR soil, crops, yield goals, growing conditions, equipment, operations, time, budget, and any other concerns.

We start at the source: your soil. Through an analysis of your soil test report, we develop a fertility program using our advanced products that contribute to your production goals. The aim is to maximize nutrient availability and uptake efficiency, while making the most of your soil’s residual fertility. This increases the probability of healthier, more resilient crops, and more abundant yields.

If you’re tired of being sold to instead of helped, we’d love to walk your fields with you.

Inspecting an ear of corn in a field

Are You Stuck?

That’s how Ben Jackson described his average corn yields: stuck in the 225–230 range.

He was proud of the quality of his non-GMO crops, but he also wanted to increase his yields. So he set a goal: 250 bushels per acre in his production fields and 400 bushels per acre in his high-yield test plots.

With our help, Ben “shot for the moon” … and went right over it.

His production fields went up to 255–265 bushels per acre. As for his test plots? He was awarded 1st place nationally in the 2024 NCGA Yield Contest for his 400.3078 bushels per acre in the no till, irrigated category.

“TEVA went above and beyond … trying to figure out problems before we had them. It was phenomenal.”

Ben Jackson, sixth-generation farmer
Wrightsville, Ga.

Our Products

C-CAT Logo

Nature’s Tool for Healthier Soils and Improved Crops

Developed under extensive research, C-CAT is TEVA’s solution to improving crop productivity and overall plant growth by improving nutrient uptake efficiency and seed germination. It is an extremely powerful, natural chelating compound that incorporates amino acid-like growth stimulants and organic carbon in the forms of humic and fulvic acids to buffer and boost other components in the mixture.
Corn grown with C-CAT



Molasses mineral impregnated sugar is a “high-octane” carbon energy source that improves plant health and supports microbiological life in soil.

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Plant Food Solutions

Liquid fertilizer solutions made of the highest-quality inputs to maximize nutrient availability and your return on investment.

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TEVA Traces

Micronutrients that are essential to plant health, development and resiliency and can be mixed with C-CAT or Plant Food Solutions.

Biological Products

Biological Products

Biological products contain micro-organisms, natural enzymes, and a premium blend of humic and fulvic acids, which are vital for an energized soil.

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PGRs are plant hormones, such as auxins, cytokinins and gibberlins, that are used to regulate plant growth and promote increased yields.

Adrenali-N Logo


Highly efficient nitrogen fertilizer that time releases as the crop requires it, enhancing stomata opening and transpiration.

Our Roots

If there’s one thing we’ve learned since starting TEVA in 1979, it’s that truth grows best.

We’re family owned and operated. We’ve always promoted sustainable agriculture using the most pioneering methods for the sake of stewarding our land and maximizing yield and profit.

We know there’s wisdom in balance — balancing the use of commercial fertilizers and chemicals with more natural methods. Balancing products with partnerships. And balancing the soil for better fertility.

We work with farmers, retailers and distributors. We offer advanced products created from the highest-quality inputs, developed through extensive soil science research and testing, with proven results.

But our most valuable offer isn’t a product. It’s a partnership that questions the why and explains the how of your soil’s fertility, plowing the way for abundant yields, season after season.

Inspecting a plant root